On this page you will find all the information concerning how to manage food self-sufficiency and water, cooking equipment, and tips and tricks from former participants.
The MDS is a self-sufficient adventure. You will need to bring your own food and carry it in your bag for the 4 days of the race.
Depending on your MDS destination, you will need to plan a total of 10 to 12 meals.
It is important to select the food that you feel is best suited to the effort involved, the weather conditions, the transport and the weight.
It is strongly recommended that you have a minimum of 2000 k/calories per race day.
You must be able to present all your meals to the organization during the technical controls before the start.

The water supply will be entirely managed by the organization. It will be distributed all along the adventure so that you have enough water to cover your needs.
After the technical checks, you will receive a sufficient quantity of water to be used during the evening and to fill your water bottles up until the first checkpoint of stage 1.
At each checkpoint, canisters of mineral water or bottles of water will be available for you to drink, refresh and fill your water bottles. Checkpoints are located approximately every 8 to 12 km (depending on the route).
Once you cross the finish line of a stage, you'll receive a 5-liter can of water. With these 5 liters of water, you'll have to make it to the first checkpoint of the next day's stage, where you can get water again. These 5 liters will be used to make your meals in the evening and in the morning, to wash up, to wash eventually, perhaps rinse a garment, and most importantly, to hydrate yourself for the evening, the morning, and to fill your water bottles for the start of the next day's stage. Use it wisely.
For the rest day, you'll receive 5 liters of water in addition to the 5 liters you received at the end of stage 2, which will be given to you in the evening or morning.
To manage your food during your MDS, it's up to you to find the right balance between freeze-dried meals, salty snacks, compotes, soups... Without forgetting the food for the race (especially during the long stage): cereal bars, gels or other energy sources.
For the long stage, you can choose 1 or 2 cold dishes (such as tabbouleh) which will be quicker to prepare.
It is important to test in advance at least a part of the food that you will bring on the trail to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Regarding the cooking equipment, we recommend:
- A cooking pot to heat your water and food
- A stove to put your cooking pot on and heat it up
- Fire starter cubes to heat your water
- A lighter: to light your fire starter cubes
- Cutlery (fork, spoon...)
Some participants choose not to bring a stove and eat exclusively cold food. It's up to you to make your own arrangements. Please note that, after the stages, a hot meal in the evening brings comfort.
Gas stoves are strictly forbidden.
- During the stages, drink slowly and regularly (2 or 3 sips every 10 minutes), without waiting until you feel thirsty.
- Stay well hydrated during the rest day and between stages.
- Test freeze-dried recipes in conditions as similar as possible to those of MDS.
- During the stages, don't wait until you're hungry to eat. Apart from meal breaks, a small portion every hour will give your body energy.
- Organize your meals by day by repackaging them in freezer bags. Be sure to note the recipes and calorie count on each bag.
- Don't forget that during a race, tastes, and appetites change. Remember to take foods that you'll enjoy.
- Practice heating water with your stove and cooking pot before the MDS.
- Opt for cold recipes so you don't have to carry kitchen equipment.
- Drink broth-based soups like Knorr to help you rehydrate.

- Tabbouleh (easy to rehydrate with cold water)
- Potato based meals (quick to rehydrate, nutritious and good)
- Vacuum-packed saucissons (cold meats)
- Dried fruit (almonds, cashews, raisins, etc.)
- Fruit paste
- Energy bars
- Salty biscuits
- Purée pouch
- Soups
MDS in the press
Testimonies from former participants
Equip yourself for the MDS
WAA Ultra has been developing specialized products for MDS participants since 2009.