Junichi OKUBO (JAP) finished the first stage of 34th MDS (32,2 km) in 7 h 25 min, at the 763rd position.
In 2007, medical doctor found my testicular cancer, final stage III-2-b, and cancers were spread to abdominal, lung and neck. My five-year survival rate was less than 20%, and my lung was seriously damaged by chemo treatment.
After ten-month hospitalization and another year home treatment, Ip back to Goldman Sachs as a marketing sales.
At that time, I could not walk well. Then, I did long-term rehabilitation. In 2013, I backed to the Lake Saloma 100km ultramarathon race. Also, I became ten times finisher of the 100km race last year and be awarded as the “2018 Runner in Japan” by the famous Japanese Runners Magazine.
During my cancer treatment, MDS race was my motivation to back to life, and run MDS was my hope, dream, and huge energy to fight with my cancer.
Now, 2019 is the year to challenge my dream MDS.